
Manifesting Our Visions with Ancient Practices, Endogenous Tools & Modern Technology

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June 9, 2023

In This Episode

What are endogenous and exogenous technologies, and how can this framework help us bring our ideas to life? Join Modern Mantra founders Nick and Elijah as they catch up on the concepts that have been circulating for them recently.

Elijah starts by sharing around his recent explorations with music and plant medicine. Find out how making music has deepened his connection with nature, and expanded his understanding of endogenous tools: our inbuilt technologies, such as the breath and the voice.

Turning to the ‘exogenous’ - our external, tangible technologies - what happens as we start visualizing the invisible? Nick discusses the tech that could change the landscape for healers, and envisions what becomes possible when our inner dimensions begin to synthesise with the digital scape.

Tune in to get inspired by ancient wisdom, fresh ideas and new innovation for accessing your core essence, and unlocking the creative magic to start manifesting your visions into reality.


04:52 Tapping into Icaros, the frequencies of nature

14:07 Endogenous and exogenous technologies

20:16 The body as an interface: ancient practices for recentering

25:46 Music making for intimacy with nature, self and others

33:24 Digitally visualising the human energy field

44:33 When modern science catches up with ancient wisdom

Design Solutions

The Problem

Key insights

The Solution

Key Features
Design Principles
Design Inspo
MVP Concept

Next Steps

What's needed
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This design solution was conceived during the Modern Mantra Podcast. Listen or watch now.

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What are endogenous and exogenous technologies, and how can this framework help us bring our ideas to life? Join Modern Mantra founders Nick and Elijah as they catch up on the concepts that have been circulating for them recently.

Elijah starts by sharing around his recent explorations with music and plant medicine. Find out how making music has deepened his connection with nature, and expanded his understanding of endogenous tools: our inbuilt technologies, such as the breath and the voice.

Turning to the ‘exogenous’ - our external, tangible technologies - what happens as we start visualizing the invisible? Nick discusses the tech that could change the landscape for healers, and envisions what becomes possible when our inner dimensions begin to synthesise with the digital scape.

Tune in to get inspired by ancient wisdom, fresh ideas and new innovation for accessing your core essence, and unlocking the creative magic to start manifesting your visions into reality.


Manifesting Our Visions with Ancient Practices, Endogenous Tools & Modern Technology

New World Infrastructure
Ideated by
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The problem

Key insights

The idea

Solution Concept
Key Features
Design Principles
Design Inspo

Next steps: Building an MVP

Our MVP Concept
What's needed

Modern Mantra Podcast

Each month we publish 4x podcasts around one of our core design themes, looking at the roots of our modern spiritual imbalance and conceptualizing new ways to use technology to help the world heal.

In our How Might We podcasts, we start with a specific design question, unearth widespread societal pain points, and conceptualize new Design Solutions that can help solve them.

In our Guest podcasts, we talk with conscious founders about their journey building heart-centered technology.

The podcast is hosted by the studio's two founders, Nick Sarafa and Elijah Johnston. Both have extensive backgrounds in all parts technology and entrepreneurship as well as personal healing journeys that involve deep work in spiritual realms.

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Design This With Us

If the world is to heal and move towards a place of higher consciousness, we need new solutions. We believe that
Manifesting Our Visions with Ancient Practices, Endogenous Tools & Modern Technology

is one that could help us to get there.

While this is only a concept, with the right team we could bring this to fruition. Enough small pushes like this and we can help usher in a new paradigm for the human family.

If you're a designer, product or tech person, share a similar ethos to ourselves, and see yourself in a potential leadership role, we'd be keen to hear from you. Drop us an email at ryan@modernmantra.co to kick off the conversation.

  • Co-designing with Modern Mantra

  • Create healing technology that moves the world forward.

  • Work with a team of heart-centered designers, engineers, innovators, and creatives.

  • Share in the ownership of any venture that we co-design.